Look for your new home
in “Am Park” at Potsdam

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1.0.0454,09 m²562.449,00 €PDF
2.0.00119,45 m²731.504,00 €PDF
2.1.03144,26 m²1.047.861,00 €PDF
2.3.09150,53 m²1.299.020,00 €PDF
3.2.08126,80 m²978.155,00 €PDF
3.3.11131,88 m²1.142.104,00 €PDF
4.3.1678,49 m²748.958,00 €PDF
5.0.0332,16 m²299.000,00 €PDF
5.3.2227,11 m²239.000,00 €PDF
5.3.2327,05 m²225.000,00 €PDF
5.3.2431,04 m²298.000,00 €PDF

© 2021 Dia­mo­na & Harnisch.
Leip­zi­ger Platz 14, 10117 Berlin-Germany

October, 2023


Our wonderful development Am Park Potsdam is now completed and ready for occupancy. Currently, the apartments are being handed over to their respective owners — 11 of the 80 apartments, including 3 fully furnished and equipped studios, are currently still for sale.

We invite you to connect with our Sales Team at +49 30 893 846 to learn more about residences at Am Park Potsdam.



June, 2023

Facade completion

The interior plaster and screed works are completed. Currently, the last works on the facade are in progress and will be finished by the end of July. The interior finishing work is progressing rapidly — the tiling, parquet and painting trades are working in the various houses. The outdoor facilities are also currently being prepared.

MARCH, 2023


The project is progressing with great strides. In House 5, the parquet and tiling work is currently underway. The building services are fully completed. House 4 and 1 are currently undergoing scaffolding work. Almost 70% of the interior plastering and screed work has been completed.

December, 2022

Facade completion

The scaffolding of house 5 will be dismantled in January after completion of the facade. Then the other houses will be completed successively at intervals of 4–6 weeks. In house 5, the TGA installations, the drywall construction as well as the plastering and screed work will be completed — the other houses will follow according to construction progress. The exterior works will start in the second half of February.

JULY, 2022


The shell of houses 4 and 5 is completed, currently the windows are being installed. The completion of house 3 will follow at the end of August. ETICS insulation on houses 4 and 5 is now commencing, drywall construction is already progressing rapidly.

June, 2022

First shell completion

The shell of house 5 will be completed within the next 3 weeks — this will be the first completed shell of the project, the finishing work will begin subsequently. The other houses of the project will be completed successively. Of the planned shell volume of the project, a total of approx. 60% has been completed.

April, 2022


In houses 4 and 5 the shell is on the 2nd floor, while in houses 1 and 2 the basement and the first floor are almost finished. In house 3, the floor slab is being constructed. Backfilling work is now starting in the area of the excavation pits. Overall, the construction work is progressing in great strides.

February, 2022

Shell construction

The shell construction of houses 4 and 5 is progressing rapidly. Some of the exterior walls on the first floor are already being built. In the excavation pit of houses 1, 2 and 3, the foundation slab is being completed.

January, 2022

Progress H4 & H5

In the excavation pit of houses 4 and 5, the structural work on the basement is currently underway — the walls are currently being erected.

January, 2022

Progress H1 & H2

The exca­va­ti­on pit for houses 1 and 2 has now been com­ple­te­ly dug. In house 2, steel rein­for­ce­ments are alrea­dy being inser­ted for the foun­da­ti­on, while in House 1 the ground is still being leveled.

December, 2021


The excavations are progressing. In two of the five excavation pits, concreting of the floor slab has already begun, while preparatory earthworks are underway in the remaining areas.

Die Umsetzung von Gestaltungsvorschlägen, Planungsunterlagen und dargestellten 3-D-Visualisierungen der Gebäude und einzelner Räume in dieser Broschüre können von der Realität und der tatsächlichen Ausführung, auch hinsichtlich der Flächenangaben, abweichen. Vorgestellte Materialien, Fabrikate und Ausstattungsgegenstände sind ein unverbindlicher Gestaltungsvorschlag und können gegebenenfalls variieren. Aufwertende Ausstattung / Upgrades sind gegen Aufpreis selbstverständlich möglich. Verbindlich für die Ausführung sind allein die Bau - und Leistungsbeschreibung des Kaufvertrages. Abweichungen aufgrund behördlicher Auflagen und Änderungen durch die Genehmigungsbehörden bleiben vorbehalten.